What do New Zealanders know about Asia, and what worries them? How are young New Zealanders seeing the region, and how are they connecting to it?
These are among the questions the Asia New Zealand Foundation is researching in New Zealand’s longest-running longitudinal study of NZ – Asia relations.
In September’s Catalyst Kōrero, Foundation research and engagement director Suzannah Jessep will present their latest headline findings, answer questions and lead discussions about what these findings might mean for New Zealand’s future.
Questions including which Asian countries should be our closest defence partners and which should we invest more energy in building relationships with?
The ANZF’s Perceptions of Asia and Asian Peoples Research includes friend and threat perceptions, the role of media shaping public opinion, the rise of Asian arts and entertainment, and a wide range of other metrics.
Sunday, September 24, 6 to 7:30 pm at The Rees Hotel Queenstown’s conference room. Registration will be required on this Eventbrite link to secure your seat. Please bring cash for your koha, which will be given to KiwiHarvest.
About the Speaker
Suzannah Jessep joined the Asia New Zealand Foundation in March 2019, after serving as New Zealand’s Deputy High Commissioner to India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Deputy Ambassador to Nepal, and as New Zealand’s Deputy High Commissioner to Vanuatu.
During her thirteen years in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, she also served in the Ministry’s Australia, Pacific and Europe Divisions, and in the area of Antarctic and security policy.
She is a Board member of the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs (NZIIA) and sits on the Advisory Boards of Minister Damien O’Connor’s Trade for All Ministerial Advisory Group, the New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre (NZCCRC) and the New Zealand India Research Institute (NZIRI).