Queenstown Memorial Centre, 7.30 – 9pm. Please register through QuestionIt@catalystnz.org
Join the debate with QUESTION IT – Bringing Big Science to Queenstown
The ongoing and contentious debate about genetic engineering – who and what it is good for – will get a thorough airing in the final event of the inaugural ‘QUESTION IT – Bringing Big Science to Queenstown’ programme.
Six top national level speakers covering the gambit from agriculture through medicine and organics will give their take on the benefits, risks, new developments and question marks of this frontier between science, medicine, agriculture and society.
Catalyst Trust chair Cath Gilmour said they were particularly rapt to bring the overdue genetic engineering debate to town. “The lineup of speakers ensures the night will cover all angles of this cutting-edge topic, and questions from the floor will be welcome.”
The speakers are as follows;
- Dr William Rolleston – President of Federated Farmers
- Philippa Jamieson – Editor, Organic NZ magazine (published by the Soil & Health Association)
- Dr Elizabeth Harris – GP rural and remote medicine, representative of Physicians and Scientists for Global Responsibility
- Dr Will Barker – CEO of NZ Bio
- Claire Bleakley – President, GE Free NZ
- Professor Peter Shepherd – Scientist from University of Auckland and Maurice Wilkins Centre