We run events throughout the year that are announced on our website, on our Facebook page, through Eventbrite, and via our Early Warning System mailing list.
Catalyst does not usually run events in December and January, as most Catalysters are either busy with work or visitors. But if something so good that we just can’t let it go pops up, we will send out an EWS and post it on Facebook.
Tickets are made available (apart from those last-minute opportunities mentioned above) through Eventbrite one month before the event takes place, so make sure you subscribe or check back regularly for the latest updates. Registering helps us with setting up the venue – and means we don’t have to turn people away on the night. We ask for a $5 koha for most of our events.
If you have any suggestions for interesting events, ideas or experts, we would love to hear them! Maybe a friend, family member or work colleague visiting who could enrich us with their expertise or provoke a good debate? Or a conference you know about that could provide a great speaker? We are also keen to share the love and the load, so if you’re interested in volunteering to help with Catalyst activities, do please drop us a line. We are all volunteers.
Subscribe to our email updates or keep an eye on this events page and Facebook posts for more.
- Let’s Discuss the Treaty… on February 18, 2025 6:00 pm
Queenstown Film Society screens an engaging array of films. Their season usually kicks off in May with screenings on Tuesday nights at Dorothy Browns Cinema in Arrowtown. Their website and Facebook Page have details of upcoming films and membership.
Queenstown has a very active U3A group, offering weekly lectures on Monday mornings for most of the year, except winter. Please visit their website at www.u3awakatipu.org for programme and location details.